The Pieman River blockade in takayna / Tarkine is still standing strong. Help us to continue holding the line.
Sign up below to join our takayna / Tarkine forest blockade
We have been maintaining a frontline blockade in takayna / Tarkine’s Pieman River ancient forests since late 2020.
Proposed construction of a massive toxic, acid-producing tailings dam and logging in the Pieman River area of takayna / Tarkine would destroy rainforest and the wildlife that depend on it. This is home to the Masked Owl, Wedge-tailed Eagle, Spotted-tailed Quoll and Tasmanian Devil.
In February 2020 we occupied this coupe and forced the retreat of the logging machines, and since January 2021 we have been holding Chinese state-owned mining giant MMG at bay. Over 400 volunteers have spent time on this front line, with over 70 arrested stopping the machines. But the miners and loggers are still scheduled to return. We plan to stay in place to stop them again.
The tall ancient eucalyptus forests and rainforests of takayna / Tarkine are one of Earth’s great treasure. They are also rich and essential carbon storehouses in the face of the climate emergency.
You can help us prevent the destruction of this incredible forest by joining us on the frontline at the blockade.
If you can’t physically be there, you can show your support by making a tax-deductible donation.
Sign up below for more information and how to get involved.