Email Minister Plibersek – We are losing Australia’s largest temperate rainforest



Rainforests are no place for a heavy metals mine waste dump. Chinese state-owned miner MMG wants to destroy endangered species forest habitat.

Tell the Australian Environment Minister to take action for forests, climate and wildlife. Send an email to her directly below.



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  • Stop Adani Sydney
    @StopAdaniSyd tweeted link to this page. 2022-08-10 13:27:19 +1000
    Email Minister Plibersek – We are losing Australia’s largest temperate rainforest
  • Yasemin Apaydin
    commented 2022-07-26 14:34:36 +1000
    We are experiencing the same situation in our forests on the other side of the world!
    We are guests on this earth for a while..The earth does not belong to us; we belong to the earth. If we do not take an action & take care of the world, We’ll leave a nightmare for future generations!!! Who gives you the right to destroy these lands you don’t even own?!!
    We don’t need to be citizens of the same country to protect forests! This world is all ours!.
    I wish you to leave our forests alone by reminding a Cree Indian proverb that most of you know;
    “When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realise that one cannot eat money,”
  • Sierra Curtis
    commented 2022-07-03 15:06:49 +1000
    Please protect our old growth Forrest’s and all of creations creatures that call this home we must protect our earth for future generations of animals trees and humans we cannot delay o. These actions we must open our eyes to the suffering and pain we are inflicting on our beloved Mother Earth she is the mother that never leaves us . I am begging you to do the right thing the only thing that truly matters respecting our environment our planet and all firms of creation
  • Christine Bennett
    commented 2022-07-03 14:40:34 +1000
    As a wildlife volunteer, I am appalled at Australia’s record of loss of native species. We simply CANNOT allow the Masked Owl and many other distinctive native species that live in the pristine wilderness of Takayna-Tarkine be put at risk. The proposal by MMG to dump toxic tailings in Takayna, polluting habitat and poisoning wildlife, would be an inconceivable act of vandalism. Governments must represent Australians by protecting our heritage values of wildlife and ecology.
  • Anna Shearing
    commented 2022-04-05 23:02:17 +1000
    The people that can see must keep finding ways to communicate the necessary information/ knowledge to others in a way that actually gets heard…
    The power of the people! Its still underestimated..
    If enough people know of these ludicrous proposals, then surly our plant must win..
    There are better solutions, the science has been done. Why don’t our so called leaders invest in the future generations.. ?
    Thank you Bob Brown for your consistent dedication to the involvement in the solution… which i believe is possible..
  • harry newitt
    commented 2022-02-05 18:21:57 +1100
    Queensland has hundreds of mining disaster walk offs. Noisy Clive Palmer left huge tailing dams full to flooding point next to the Great Barrier Reef. These companies shut down, go broke,then just walk away from any rehabilitation. This short term cargo cult mentality betrays the responsibility to maintain the environment for future generations.
  • Jeff Halls
    commented 2022-01-16 14:05:18 +1100
    Stop China having control of our precious forest in Tasmania.
  • Rachel Waters
    commented 2022-01-10 10:37:59 +1100
    Australia has pledged to reduce its c02 emissions by 2030, yet our government is allowing our native forests to be destroyed for short term economic gain via Chinese State owned entities. As if the bushfires were not enough. This government has zero concern for sustainability goals or conservation. A Royal commission into CCP Corruption and the establishment of a Federal ICAC is now fundamental to the protection of Australia’s remaining natural resources, world heritage sites and environment.
  • Patrick O'Sullivan
    commented 2022-01-09 13:17:01 +1100
    I’m 67 and thought that, at last, the arguments were well and truly over around destruction of rainforests anywhere in the world.
    Unfortunately, Minister Ley has proven me wrong.
    I have emailed her a personal letter and hope to be physically involved in an environmental protest for the first time in my life for the sake of all our grandchildren.
    Please keep up the good fight for the sake of us all.
  • Felicity Davis
    commented 2022-01-08 07:12:43 +1100
    I can’t believe there is so much stupidity and corruption still going on! Yes, the people who vote for the criminal actions of these politicians are guilty of ignorance and complacency.
  • Bruce Cumming
    commented 2021-11-25 12:31:14 +1100
    What a sorry bunch of special interest and rent seeker captured politicians we are encumbered with!
    Who votes for these cowards that seem hell bent on destroying our wonderful environment in Tasmania?
  • Margaret Cashman Bailes
    followed this page 2021-11-25 08:26:14 +1100
  • Carl Lindgren
    commented 2021-10-09 13:00:02 +1100
    Cannot believe it’s 2021 and this stuff still goes on!!!!
  • Marion Delft
    commented 2021-08-07 05:35:42 +1000
    Thankfully the Bob Brown Foundation exists to guide me…a common folk,…through the burocratic absurdity of environmental distruction( based on greed and political power gains of our governing system), to protect the Tarkyine wilderness and the attached remains of our choking planet.

    The tree breathes what we exhale
    We breathe what the tree exhales
    Our DNA is the same as the trees DNA
    We are all one
    Treat all things as spirit
    Realise we are all one family
    Please save treasure and look after the forests they are our LUNGS
    This is my wish and I pray it will come true in my life time while it’s still not too late
  • Amanda Winter
    followed this page 2021-08-06 08:16:20 +1000
  • Nikola Ognenovits
    followed this page 2021-08-03 21:36:56 +1000
  • Sierra Curtis
    commented 2021-08-02 15:17:53 +1000
    The tree breathes what we exhale
    We breathe what the tree exhales
    Our DNA is the same as the trees DNA
    We are all one
    Treat all things as spirit
    Realise we are all one family
    Please save treasure and look after the forests they are our LUNGS
    This is my wish and I pray it will come true in my life time while it’s still not too late
  • Manderlee Anstice
    published this page in takayna / Tarkine 2021-07-15 18:13:50 +1000