Leave a gift in your Will

Create your living legacy today – leave a gift in your Will to Bob Brown Foundation.

Did you know that by choosing to give a gift in your Will, you and your family can play an important, ongoing role in protecting our living Earth?

By making a bequest to Bob Brown Foundation you will ensure your wish for the ongoing protection of wild, natural places is respected. We invite you to join our special community of supporters choosing to leave a gift in their Will.

A carefully prepared Will can provide great security, knowing the important things you care about are given enduring effect. Once you ensure your Will provides for your family, you may like to consider a bequest to those groups that are working hard to stand up for issues you care about.

Established after Bob retired from the Senate in 2012, our Foundation is surging ahead. We have a wonderful opportunity to continue to build upon the great gains we've made to date and we need your support to achieve this vision. Our work has proven to be effective in saving Australia's wilderness and wildlife. Bob, and our small but very experienced staff, have taken important roles in raising environmental protection campaigns throughout the country. The time is right for you – our spirited supporters – to partner with us and ensure more of this important work continues far into the future.

You can opt to make a gift of as much or as little as you feel is right. Every gift, large or small, is significant.

If you support our actions and share our vision to protect Australia's wild and scenic natural places of ecological and global significance, please join with us today. You’ll be taking on an important role in helping secure the protection of Australia’s natural environment – together we are taking Action for Earth.

Find out more

For more information about leaving a gift in your Will, please contact our staff member, Amanda Sully. Amanda will be happy to talk with you at any time. All enquiries are treated with respect and privacy.

Call Amanda on (03) 6294 0620 or email her at [email protected]

Please let us know

If you've already included Bob Brown Foundation in your Will, please let us know so we can pass on our sincere thanks for your significant contribution and welcome you as partners in our mission, as a member of our growing team of key supporters.



Some suggested wording to use in preparing your Will

Your Will should always be prepared with professional advice from your solicitor.  The following wording is a guide for your solicitor but provides the basic information, including the Foundation's full legal name and our ABN, required for a bequest.

  • Pecuniary (ie money) or Specific (ie item such as a block of land or painting etc) Bequest:

    I leave to Bob Brown Foundation Incorporated of Level 4, 116 Bathurst St Hobart, ABN 51 634 785 002 (description of item or amount of money) absolutely for the general purposes of the said charity and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.

  • Residuary Bequest:

    I leave to Bob Brown Foundation Incorporated of Level 4, 116 Bathurst St Hobart, ABN 51 634 785 002 (proportion of residue to be completed) for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.





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  • Callum O'Malley
    followed this page 2020-01-15 23:52:30 +1100
  • Steven Chaffer
    published this page in Donations 2017-02-04 23:57:31 +1100