Save Swift Parrots

Tasmania is down to the last remnants of Swift Parrot habitat and the crisis for this critically endangered species has been exacerbated by the latest logging plans released by the Governments logging agency.

If logging does not stop in Swift Parrot breeding and foraging habitat today, the species will go extinct.  This critically endangered species will not survive further destruction of their forest habitat.

The State and Federal Government need to permanently end the logging of Tasmania’s forest habitat of the Swift Parrot and provide secure protection for ALL Swift Parrot habitat.



In 2015 the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) listed the Swift Parrot as critically endangered due to logging of its habitat and predation by sugar gliders. IUCN recommended that all public lands that support Swift Parrots be placed under secure, permanent conservation management.  This has not happened and logging of the Swift Parrot nesting and foraging habitat has continued.

Tasmania's southern forests, Bruny Island, the eastern tiers in NE Tasmania and Wielangta on the east coast are vitally important Swift Parrot habitat.  These forests must be protected from logging if this wonderful bird, the fastest parrot on the planet, is to survive.



If logging continues in swift parrot breeding habitat the species will go extinct on our watch. So we must take action.

Contact Prime Minister Morrison & Tasmanian Premier Gutwein calling on them to declare secure, permanent protection across all Swift Parrot habitat in Tasmania; in the southern forests, on Bruny Island and the east coast.

Swift Parrot breeding habitat, nesting and foraging habitat across Tasmania needs to be protected.


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  • Claudia Terstappen
    followed this page 2020-11-26 15:16:28 +1100
  • nikkoela raffinde
    commented 2020-07-16 23:05:56 +1000
    . . please stop logging our old growth forests. They are not yours to pocket. They are “priceless” and belong to all the people and living beings on the planet. They provide the air that we breath. You have a responsibility to join us in our “custodial” relationship of sacred reciprocity of the earth. The transparency of your manipulation & control of the voices of the people via the fines imposed to “protesters” who in reality are highly integral and responsible people is totally shameful. It is time to “get with’ the true program. The great self organising energies of the cosmos (”God" ?) are far greater that any of our misguided self-serving human created activities & systems which you are all working to maximum individual advantages will not win in the end. Your activities degrade everything for everyone. When human beings source from the omni-potent power of nature we move beyond dysfunctions such as co-dependence. You are completely shortsighted in this plight & it is something we will no longer allow or endorse. . . wake into the magic & beauty of all that in truth exists & live with us all in deep peace . . thank you & blessings
  • Serena Rule
    commented 2020-07-16 16:38:21 +1000
    There used to be great flocks of swift parrots streaking up over the Derwent coastline and Lower Sandy Bay each evening, chattering excitedly. Only 20 years ago!

    Please ensure that you do not have an extinction on your hands. Stand up to the logging interests whose only goal is short-term personal gain. Use the same courage you’ve demonstrated over keeping our borders closed when other less long-sighted leaders have given in.

    Thank you.
  • Annie Towler
    followed this page 2020-07-16 07:41:25 +1000
  • Elizabeth Story
    commented 2020-07-16 01:17:28 +1000
    As the swift parrot is now critically endangered and Tasmania is down to the last remnants of their breeding areas, all of their habitat needs to be permanently preserved and protected from logging. It is imperative for their very existence.
  • Llew Spargo
    followed this page 2020-07-12 13:55:52 +1000
  • Susie Stretton
    commented 2020-07-11 09:18:22 +1000
    Without these old growth forests and the wildlife they support, Tassie will have nothing unique left to offer. This will hurt the tourism industry yet again.