"Art for takayna" is a celebration of life as it has always been on this wild planet. ‘All creativity comes from the book of Nature’ said Gaudi: so do all artists. We are part of the wild Earth’s own creativity. Yet the palette is being smashed. Wilderness is being destroyed at the greatest rate in human history. Tarkine in Motion is more than a representation of the Tarkine’s inspiration. It is a call for us all to get involved in ending the needless mining, logging and off-road vehicle erosion of the Tarkine wilderness. May this art lead to action – and the saving of this wonderland for our own wellbeing."
– Bob Brown
Applications for Easter 2022 Field Trip Here
ART for takayna is the Bob Brown Foundation’s revamped and re-energised Tarkine in Motion project. Australia’s largest environmental art project, where artists immerse in the wild, ancient and threatened takayna/Tarkine for 72 hours. Inspired by takayna/Tarkine, the artists bring to the world a multi-platform exhibition showcasing their interpretation of this wild place, campaign projects, blockade structures, theatre, dance and movies to name a few.
For four days, artists and volunteers will operate out of six base camps located across the 495,000 hectares of takayna /Tarkine. From the small shack town of Arthur River on the northwest coast, the remote coastal stretch between Sandy Cape and Rupert Point to the ancient, threatened rainforests scheduled for imminent logging and mining.
The artists - videographers, writers, musicians, painters, sculptors, print-makers and photographers – capture the wild and scenic beauty of this threatened landscape. They take you on a journey through threatened landscapes, to the rugged and serene rainforest, across vast button grass plains, towering sand dunes, hidden waterfalls and to the jagged rocky shore that shreds the wild Southern Ocean.
Using the creative power of art to alert the world to the plight of a threatened wilderness - takayna / Tarkine.
Sadly, with the re-election of the Liberal government in Tasmania, and their determination to log rainforests and open new off-road tracks across ancient Aboriginal heritage sites, the need to take action for this wild place is more urgent than ever.
At ever-increasing risk is the southern hemisphere’s largest temperate rainforest, Aboriginal heritage reaching back 40,000 years along the remote coast, pristine rivers and the threatened creatures that call this wild place home.
Bob Brown Foundation sees a different future for takayna / Tarkine, as a National Park and World Heritage Area, returned to Aboriginal ownership. A place where the whole world can celebrate 40,000 years of Aboriginal culture, breath Earth’s cleanest air and experience a spectacular landscape, unchanged since dinosaurs roamed Gondwana.
Art from takayna / Tarkine is now hanging in people’s homes in New York, China and Germany and films have screened in the USA and across Europe as well as to hundreds of people in Australian towns and cities. Numerous exhibitions have been held across Australia and documentaries, concerts and a range of campaign initiatives have flowed from artists’ involvement in Tarkine in Motion.
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