High Court waits a week on Tas. Anti-Protest Laws

Media Release 14 November 2016


The challenge by Bob Brown and Jessica Hoyt to the Tasmanian government's draconian anti-protest laws was delayed one week in today's hearing before High Court Judge Gordon. Counsel for the plaintiffs and defence are challenged with clarifying whether Brown and Hoyt were in fact trespassing on forest land at Lapoinya in January when they were arrested and charged under the Hodgman government's anti-protest laws. Without agreement, the matter may need to be determined in a court other than the High Court.

The two were not charged with trespass at the time, have not been charged with trespass, and deny they were trespassing. The Tasmanian government now claims  that they were trespassing and therefore should be denied standing to continue their challenge in the High Court.

"What is obvious here is that the Hodgman government is avoiding our test of its anti-protest laws with a belated supposition. If our crime at Lapoinya was trespass then the police or state prosecutor should have charged us with trespass at the time," Bob Brown said outside the High Court in Melbourne.

Further information:
Jenny Weber 0427 366 929


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