New attack: Bob Brown Foundation has been threatened with a $50 000 fine

In a new attack from the Gutwein bureaucracy, Bob Brown Foundation has been threatened with a $50 000 fine if it does not comply with demands from the Tasmanian Workplace Safety Regulator, Mark Cocker, by the end of this month. (Click here to read to full letter)

“We are not complying,” the defiant Bob Brown told media in Hobart today.

“This is Premier Gutwein’s bureaucracy being misused as a political weapon for the logging and rainforest destruction industry. Gutwein can’t win the public argument for needlessly destroying the ancient Tarkine rainforest and its wildlife. So he and the loggers are conniving to take our community of forest defenders out,” Bob Brown said.

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  • Janet Murphy
    commented 2020-10-15 05:58:08 +1100
    Typical of governments these days. They cannot be seen to do the responsible thing by the environment and try to erase the voices that do. Neoliberal capitalism is not democratic and is a big fail.