2010 Hobart Oration

The inaugural Green Oration was delivered by Dr David Suzuki at the Hobart Town Hall on Wednesday 20 October 2010.

David Suzuki. Photo: Marcel van Ommen/Karen Brown Photography, Hobart

David is an internationally renowned scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster who has spent more than 40 years educating people about science and environmental issues.

His 2010 sold-out Green Oration focussed on the lessons of his book The Legacy: the summation of lessons he’s learned over the years that he thinks will be useful for future generations.

In a sobering but inspiring oration he described the state of the environment and the challenges we face to preserve our rich biodiversity with rapid population growth, continual economic growth and over-consumption, and exploitation of the planet’s finite resources.

Those things that matter the most to us are not measurable in economic terms. Our challenge is to slow down, improve communication, think about future generations and re-imagine the future for a more sustainable, harmonious and balanced life.

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