Native Forest Declaration

Anna has

We Australians call on the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader, and all other MPs in our nation’s parliament, to use the Commonwealth’s powers to protect our nation’s native forests and their wildlife. More

We make this urgent demand, knowing that

  • The climate and biodiversity crisis are inextricably linked.
  • Many Australian birds that depend on forests face extinction this century.
  • Koalas, greater gliders, wombats and quolls are among the many animals killed by logging.
  • Logging increases bushfire risks.
  • Forests are irreplaceable carbon banks, but, when logged and burnt, emit megatonnes of greenhouse gases.
  • Australia has more than enough plantations to meet its wood needs.

Native forests on public land, wherever they remain, need secure and permanent protection in Commonwealth law. Australia needs nature-based solutions to the climate and biodiversity crisis that includes protection of native forests and pro-forestation of logged and degraded native forests.

Care for the future of life on Earth, and our obligation to ensure that Australia's natural beauty, diversity and inspiration is not lost to future generations, drives this urgent call on you to protect Australia's forests. Now.

Anna has

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